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Burlington, VT: A budding tech hub true to its green roots

Burlington_seen_from_Lake_Champlain Burlington, VT has recently received a great deal of recognition for its growing technology sector. A 'Smart' Green Tech Hub in Vermont Reimagines the Status Quo from the New York Times describes many of Burlington's technological advancements, including the work of the Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies (VCET), BTV Ignite, Vermont Hitec and more. Named a White House TechHire city, Burlington will continue this growth through training 400 technology workers by 2020. This reinforces the findings of the Vermont Technology Alliance (vtTA) in their Vermont Tech Jobs Impact Report, which found that nearly 40% of all annual Vermont wages are represented in tech-job income. The hope is to partner skilled workers with hundreds of open job positions in Vermont to continue the expansion of the sector and to decrease the need to import talent. What might be the most impressive part of Vermont's tech growth is that it's green. True to Vermont's socially and ecologically conscious roots, the city of Burlington is powered by wind, water, and biomass alone. Burlington is one of the first cities to achieve this, and has created a number of incentives to continue reducing energy.