CARES – short for “Child Aviation Restraint System” is a small, portable child-safe seatbelt for airplane travel invented by South Burlington resident Louise Stoll. CARES, which Ms. Stoll created after witnessing her own daughter struggling to get on an airplane with a toddler and a bulky car seat, is the only device of its kind approved by the FAA.
In DATE Kids Fly Safe came to Vermont Design Works for the design and development of a website, plus a print campaign. We created a basic initial site and helped them start a viable online business. As their product gained national attention and their company started to grow, Kids Fly Safe switched to a large advertising/branding company for a site redesign.
Ultimately dissatisfied with the switch, Kids Fly Safe came back to Vermont Design Works just six months after that for the personalized, affordable service, and completed the redesign with our team. Like the first website, the redesigned CARES site is integrated with the eCommerce system of a local fulfillment house. It also contains new features, including a blog and news tool, as well as a user-friendly Content Management System (CMS).